Now it’s time for something scary. No, I don’t mean America’s presidential election. I mean tomorrow’s return of AMC’s The Walking Dead. Yes, I’m a big fan and have been since it began seven seasons ago. Here’s a past blog post from two years ago about the series: Top Five Reasons Why The Walking Dead Is Great Drama!
What’s Next?
Well, this post is not about my TWD fandom, but rather, an informal survey to pick my next writing project.
Liquid Cool. The next installment of my cyberpunk detective thriller series is already underway and it’s turning out to be much bolder than I originally imagined. Don’t worry it’s coming soon.
The After Eden Series. My original international sci-fi series will reach its midpoint—from the years before the War to the breakout of World War Three. It may be so emotionally exhausting for me that I may complete not just Book 4, Red Halo, but the two books after.
So that leaves one of three series for next year. For some, I have already hinted at them, but I wanted to get your vote as to which one should be first up to grace online and physical bookshelves everywhere.
Some of you may be saying “how the heck can he write all those books?” “Is he going to suffer brain damage?” Remember I released 9 books in 2015! And always keep in mind, for me, the books are already written, floating around in my mind-palace (that’s a reference from the great BBC series, Sherlock), and just need to be typed and published for you. But enough of that. I need your help:
Choice #1: YA (Young Adult Dystopia)
Technically, the second half of my very first published novel, Thy Kingdom Fall, was YA. The main heroine was a 17 year old Amish girl, Kristiana. And yes, she literally saved the fledgling Resistance that would become the Continuum.
I loved the Hunger Games Trilogy—the books; I despised the movies—and always planned to do my own YA Trilogy. I had planned to start them last year, but opted not to because I didn’t want to do only one book and roll off the other two over the next couple of years. I remember when I read the first Hunger Games book and was done. I had to get the rest of the trilogy NOW! I feel my own YA trilogy has that same potential so I will write and the release the entire trilogy of books at the same time.
Can I tell you anymore about it? Female protagonist (not that YA books can’t have a male protagonist, but that’s how I conceived it, two years ago) and it’s in the future. If I told you the tagline for the trilogy, some of you would stalk me until it was done so I have to leave it there.
Choice #2: Sci-Fi Afro-futurism
My Liquid Cool series was supposed to be released the same time as the first book as this one, but I got so wrapped up in the crazy, coolness of Liquid Cool that I postponed it. What’s this new sci-fi series about? Let me answer the question with a question. Did you know that there is actually a sci-fi category called afro-futurism? It is my take of a classic literary work that if I told you I’d get stalked so I’ll keep my mouth shut.
Choice #3: Fantasy
I’ll admit it. I hate Game of Thrones. On Goodreads I wrote a post: Does Game of Thrones Hate Women? It stirred up all kinds of trouble. I’ve always loved Lord of the Rings, so with my loathing of Game of Thrones, I said to myself: “why don’t you write a fantasy series.” I always find a unique angle and something new to present to my audiences. This series will be no different. In fact, it will be quite amazing.
So which would you like to see next in 2017?
#1 New YA series
#2 New Afrofuturism Sci-series
#3 New Fantasy series
Comment below with your number choice and share your reasons why. Can’t wait to read your feedback!

Austin Dragon is the author of over 30 books in science fiction, fantasy, and classic horror. His works include the sci-fi detective LIQUID COOL series, the epic fantasy FABLED QUEST CHRONICLES, the international futuristic epic AFTER EDEN Series, the classic SLEEPY HOLLOW HORRORS, and new military sci-fi PLANET TAMERS series. He is a native New Yorker but has called Los Angeles, California home for more than twenty years. Words to describe him, in no particular order: U.S. Army, English teacher, one-time resident of Paris, ex-political junkie, movie buff, Fortune 500 corporate recruiter, renaissance man, futurist, and dreamer.
0 Responses
#3 Fantasy. It would be interesting and I do love the ‘world-building’ of a good fantasy story.