Inspirational Artwork: My Fabled Quest Chronicles Series

A picture is worth a thousand words, so here is some of the inspirational artwork for my epic fantasy series. Check out the series Pinterest board HERE.

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16 Responses

  1. I have loved your books from the start, I believe I have left you a comment on each one while still wrung out on the adventure I had just been on. Coming up with the pictures in my mind wasn’t always pleasant, so I’m afraid to say I had to shuffle over some of the characters and fights but that’s just me but you left me with more than plenty to marvel over. While I can’t wait for the journey to end, like others,I will be sad when it is.Thank you and I say again ,thank you , not only for having an imagination like yours but for not keeping it to yourself, for sharing it with others. Two kisses on your cheeks if I my be presumptuous.

  2. There’s always been fabulous artwork for this series. You know that, obviously! I don’t just read any old rubbish, you know. 😉

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